Invited speakers

Valery Alexeev (Univ. Georgia, Athens), Compact moduli of K3 surfaces

Vikraman Balaji (Chennai Math. Inst., Chennai), Torsors on semistable curves and the problem of degenerations

Marco Bertola (Concordia University, Montreal and SISSA, Trieste), Tyurin data, non-abelian Cauchy kernels and the Goldman bracket

Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT, Boston), Mirror symmetry and representation theory

Alexandr Buryak (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Dubrovin-Zhang hierarchies and relations in the cohomology of the moduli space of curves

Pavel Etingof (MIT,Boston), An analytic approach to the geometric Langlands correspondence

Giovanni Felder (ETH Zurich), Quantum group for restricted SOS models

Michael Gekhtman (Norte Dame Univ., USA), Generalized cluster structures on the Drinfeld double of $SL_n$

Amin Gholampour (Univ. of Maryland, College Park), Degeneracy loci and nested Hilbert schemes

Rei Inoue (Chiba Univ., Japan), Cluster realizations of Weyl groups and higher Teichmuller theory

Emmanuele Macri (Univ. Paris-Saclay), Hypekahler fourfolds and Fano manifolds

Davesh Maulik (MIT, Boston), Perverse sheaves in enumerative geometry

Paul Norbury (Univ. of Melbourne), Enumerative geometry via the moduli space of super Riemann surfaces

Kieran O'Grady (Sapienza Univ. of Rome), Fixed loci of anti-symplectic involutions of HK varieties

Tony Pantev (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), Integrable systems from higher dimensional varieties

Laura Pertusi  (Univ. of Milano), Stability conditions on Gushel-Mukai varieties

Nikolai Reshetikhin (Berkeley), Spin Calogero-Moser type systems and moduli spaces of flat connections

Paolo Rossi (Univ. of Padova), Integrability and intersection theory on the moduli space of stable curves

Leonid Rybnikov (HSE, Moscow), Gaudin model and crystals

Sergey Shadrin, (Univ. of Amsterdam), Deformation theory and homotopy cohomological field theories

Michael Shapiro (Michigan State Univ., USA), Symplectic groupoid and cluster algerbas

Paolo Stellari (Univ. of Milano), Categorical Torelli Theorems for Enriques surfaces

Yukinobu Toda (Kavli Inst., Univ. of Tokyo), On categorical Donaldson-Thomas theory for local surfaces

Lauren K. Williams (Harvard Univ.), The positive tropical Grassmannian, the hypersimplex, and the amplituhedron

Kota Yoshioka (Kobe Univ.), Moduli of stable sheaves on Enriques surfaces